Lucia Boehling

Bachelor of Graphic Design, Class of 2018


I believe that design should be fun, thoughtful, and always designed with the user in mind. When I am not in the studio, I love to spend time with my family, screen print, watch horror flicks, and plan my next year's Halloween costume.

Lucia Boehling portrait

Current typeface crush?

IBM Plex Font Fam... Can you tell?


How many tabs do you have open right now?

Currently, 47... and that's just on one of my open windows. I'm working on it.


Which Pantone color of the year is the best?

2004's Tiger Lily was a strong year.

[T]here is a system that helps young adults with the emotional impact of moving and establishing a routine in a new city.
[T]here makes each user’s new city a metaphor for their previous home so that they can easily establish a sense of comfort and belonging in their new environment.
Users can view where they spend the most of their time in the city, where they feel the happiest, and view their suggested places in context of their current lifestyle.


Helping young relocating adults make their new city a metaphor for their old one.